Selasa, 27 Januari 2015

To my bestfriend.

Thank you
I’m glad that you’re here
No matter the time
I can always smile
No matter how many years pass while we’re away from each other
Nothing will have changed
We’re Best Friends
I love you, I really love you

I’m sorry for waiting so long to say this
I was driven into a corner alone
When I hear your faint voice
I felt like I could make it

I can tell you anything
Even things I can’t tell my mom
You understand better than anyone

When I’m happy you’re just as happy for me
And you’re the one to scold me when I’m wrong

Thank you
I’m glad that you’re here
No matter the time
I can always smile
No matter how many years pass while we’re away from each other
Nothing will have changed
We’re Best Friends
I love you, I really love you

You quickly see through my pretenses
When I’m feeling down
You’re the first to send me a caring emails
That have saved me so many times

You said I should go ahead and cry when I feel like crying
Because you’d be at my side
My greatest ally

I wonder if there’s anything I can do for someone like you?
When I figure it out I’ll race over to you, I promise

Thank you
I’m glad that you’re here
No matter the time

I can always smile
No matter how many years pass while we’re away from each other
Nothing will have changed
We’re Best Friends
I love you, I really love you

I’ll always be praying
I want you to be the happiest person in the world

Thank you
I’m glad that you’re here
No matter the time
I can always smile
No matter how many years pass while we’re away from each other
Nothing will have changed
We’re Best Friends
I love you, I really love you

**Lyric from bestfriend  - Kana Nishino

Selasa, 20 Januari 2015

Dugaan itu.

Dugaan itu berupakan pelbagai cara,
Sama ada melalui kesihatan,
melalui kewangan,
melalui kebhagiaan,
melalui persekitaran..

Setiap dugaan yg di lalui itu ada sebab-sebab tertentu.,
iaitu untuk mengajar , mendidik ..
Dugaan itu juga adalah kerana kasih Ilahi untuk kita.
Untuk lebih dekatkan diri dgn Allah..